Project Management
Project Management
Construction project is a complex project type that covers multiple phases from project initiation to design, construction, acceptance, delivery, and operation, with the involvement of various stakeholders, including the employer, design, construction, supervision, and operation units, contractors, suppliers, etc. Accordingly, a key factor contributing to VNTower’s success over the years has been the Project Management skills and expertise applied to our projects.
From the early days of our business operations, VNTower has placed a strong emphasis on training project management personnel according to international PMBOK standards. In addition, VNTower applies this knowledge thoroughly in implementing the projects entrusted to us.
In line with this spirit, throughout our nearly 20 years of operations, the company’s management team has thoroughly planned to implement, monitor, and manage every project, every stage, and every phase tailored to the specific requirements and plans set forth. Therefore, most projects entrusted to VNTower have been completed on time, ensuring quality, and without any workplace accidents.
Occupational safety and health
Occupational safety and health is a prerequisite and mandatory duty in VNTower’s daily operations. To achieve zero workplace accidents on construction sites, we are committed to implementing, managing, monitoring, and ensuring occupational safety and health (OSH) practices for 100% of our employees and workers from all offices, factories, and construction sites.
Along with implementing OSH measures for our employees and workers, we also strictly and periodically conduct annual internal and project-based training programs certified by local competent authorities before project implementation.
OSH guidelines are always available at offices and construction sites as a reminder for individuals regarding safety awareness, not only for themselves but also for those around them.
Contact us
We aim for a professional way of working, implementing and managing work methodically according to international standards to complete the best assigned project.